god in the mcu 1

With Thor: Love and Thunder, the concept of god became common the MCU. There are many Gods in the MCU however, the title ‘God’ is not always literal.

Gods in the MCU are now always righteous, noble and humble. Odin the father of Thor is the God of wisdom. But you know that he once had a lot of rage in him and wanted to conquer the Nine Realms. He has killed many people before he became the King of Asgard.

‘God’ in the MCU is more of title


In the MCU, ‘God’ is meant to depict that a particular character is strong in that particular area in which he’s given the title. It means having a combination of advanced or mystical powers. They may or may not be worshipped or revered by others.

Related: The Major Reason why Thor: Love and Thunder is a disaster

Common characteristics include but are not limited to:

  • Strength
  • Durability
  • Longetivity

However, being a god does not make a character omnipotent in the way some traditional deities are considered. Gods in the MCU can be:

  • Challenged
  • Defeated under certain circumstances
  • Can be evil and greedy
  • Can kill other people for more power
  • Aren’t always immortal

Types of Gods in the MCU

1. Asgardians

Characters like Odin, Thor, Hela and Loki are referred to as gods. Although, Thor is the God of Thunder, he was easily taken down by a taser. Hela was almost immortal however, Surtur still killed her. Odin was the most powerful in his prime but there must be some battles that he would have lost.

Similarly, God of Mischief—Loki was defeated via strength by Hulk and was later killed by Thanos.

The current God of Stories—Loki is still very powerful but he’ll also be challenged in the future.

2. Celestials

These are ancient, powerful cosmic entities that have had a significant role in shaping the universe. They are considered gods due to their immense power and influence over life and creation. Although, their mortality isn’t tested yet, there must be another God who can kill them.

3. Eternals

They were created by the Celestials and possess god-like powers. They are immortal and have various superhuman abilities. But if Celestials want them killed they can be killed. Also, one Eternal can kill another one.

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4. Cosmic Entities

Beyond traditional gods, the MCU includes beings like Dormammu, who rules the Dark Dimension, and entities like the Living Tribunal, which are considered god-like due to their cosmic roles and abilities. Note that Dormammu got tricked by Doctor Strange, a mere novice compared to him into an endless time loop until he was ready to bargain.

5. Other Deities

There are also Gods from different mythologies and pantheons, such as the Egyptian god Khonshu “Moon Knight” or Greek gods like Zeus, who appears in “Thor: Love and Thunder.” These beings are often worshipped by humans and possess unique, divine powers.

But you know how Khonshu tricked Steven Grant and how selfish Zeus was.

The concept of ‘God’ in the MCU is questionable

Although Marvel hypes certain characters with the title ‘God’ in one movie, you’ll see that character losing easily in the next movie. Thor the God of Thunder was about to be killed by Thanos when Captain America interrupted by throwing the ‘Mjolnir’. In Thor: Love and Thunder, he struggled against Gorr.

This inaccuracy in the concept of ‘God’ seems mainly because with every movie or TV show the writers keep changing and they hardly refer the previous project. The greater plot in MCU is always leading towards a major Avengers threat whereas the subplot in the movies is towards one time villains. Hence, for the sake of the plot, the characters keep getting strong or weak doesn’t matter if they’re god or not.

Who is the strongest ‘God’ in the MCU?


Currently, Loki The God of stories is the strongest ‘God’ in the MCU. Marvel might change this in the future. However, with whatever, I’ve seen as of yet, no one comes close to beat Loki.

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The major reason for this has already been in Loki Season 2. Loki can go back in time do things differently creating a different outcome. With this logic in mind, the minute he realizes that he’s going to lose, he can go back in time and change the past resulting in a different outcome.

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